Eye Wellness Center
“Dry Eye Center”

Dry Eye Syndrome: A Common and Troublesome Condition
Dry eye syndrome is a prevalent issue among working-age adults and the elderly. It occurs when the lacrimal glands function abnormally, resulting in an insufficient quantity of tears to provide adequate moisture to the eyes, or when the tears produced lack proper quality. Tear moisture plays a crucial role in maintaining eye comfort and preventing infections.
If left untreated, dry eye syndrome can lead to inflammation of the cornea, conjunctiva, and eyelids.
Warning Signs of Dry Eye Syndrome
Itchy, burning, or irritated eyes
Feeling as though there is dust or a foreign object in the eye
Light sensitivity or discomfort in bright light or wind
Redness in the whites of the eyes
Occasional blurry vision
Eye fatigue or difficulty keeping the eyes open
Discomfort at certain times, such as upon waking up

Assess Your Eye Health and Risk of Dry Eye Syndrome
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Dry eye can become a chronic condition. If symptoms are severe and do not improve after adjusting your eye usage, it is recommended to consult an ophthalmologist for proper diagnosis and treatment. Alongside medical care, adopting appropriate lifestyle changes is crucial to alleviating symptoms and minimizing the severity of the condition.